Personal data protection

Angel Garden Sp. z o. o. spolka komandytowa with its registered seat in Krakow, ul. Sukiennicza 8/U7 Street, postal code: 31-069 Krakow, entered into the companies register kept by the District Court for Krakow-Srodmiescie in Krakow, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000626489, e-mail: (hereinafter: the Administrator) shall be considered an administrator of the personal data collected via the website (hereinafter: the Website). In certain situations, but only if expressively indicated, other administrators may gather personal data via the Website.

The personal data are collected, stored and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data of 29 August 1997. OJ 2014. pos. 1182 (hereinafter: the Law on the Protection of Personal Data).

In addition, each presence on the Website is recorded by noting the currently used IP address of the Client, the date and time of entry, type of browser used and the computer’s operating system, as well as web pages entered. This, however does not enable the Administrator to collect the personal data of the Client within the meaning of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

Personal data are stored only if they are provided by the Client, eg. while meeting consultants or sending an e-mail. These data are processed only for the purpose for which they were available (eg. scheduling a meeting or answering a question). The Client can agree also to the wider use of his personal data.

If the third parties are engaged in the processing of the personal data (data processors), these entities are required to comply with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

Personal data, which will be submitted to the Administrator through the Website, are stored only for the period needed to fulfill the purpose for which they were submitted, unless the relevant provisions do not require the Administrator to a longer storage period or if the Client has given its prior consent to their further use.

In the case of withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data of the Client or if they cease to be valid, they are deleted, corrected or made anonymous. The Client has the right to obtain information about all personal data processed by the Administrator that concern him.

In order to exercise the rights referred to above, the Client can contact the Administrator by sending appropriate messages in writing or by electronic mail to the address indicated above.

The Administrator uses technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data, appropriate to the risks and category of data being protected, in particular the Administrator protects data against their unauthorized disclosure, takeover by an unauthorized person, processing with the violation of existing regulations, changing, losing, damaging or destroying.

If the Website refers - also via a link - to a third-party’s websites, the Administrator does not guarantee, nor he is responsible for the correctness or completeness of the content presented there and the safety of the data submitted via such websites. Since the Administrator does not control compliance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data by the third parties, it is recommended to check declaration on the protection of personal data presented in each third party’s website.

The building visualizations, animations and models shown at the website are for illustrative purposes only. The appearance of buildings and development of their surroundings may be slightly altered during the construction stage. No alterations will be made to essential features of the offer and building functionality.